Quake Wars and switchscreen

Still being thrilled about having gotten my 22” monitor, after 2 years of nagging (I need to emphasize that I’ve spent TWO years nagging my better half about a damn monitor. Did I mention I spent 2 years?), I briefly spoke to a co-worker of mine about having nothing to play after I quit World of Warcraft. He said that he’d heard about a game called Quake Wars, and that it had a Linux-client. So I took a look at it, downloaded the demo, and now I’m hooked! Not as much as before, but it’s fun nonetheless. Anyway – playing the game with a 1680×1050 monitor resolution is INSANE! I can just about feel a grenade blowing up in my face. We’re about 3 people at work planning on making a clan, so we just need a few more to make it work. And I am definitely going to buy the full game tomorrow! For more information about Quake Wars, take a look at http://community.enemyterritory.com/.

Right, that was that about Quake Wars. Now to my next subject – a nifty little program named switchscreen. A quote from the website:

switchscreen is a command-line utility that moves the X mouse cursor to a given point on a given screen. I wrote it because I could find no other program that can define both the mouse position and screen number.

In other words – you can use your keyboard to navigate between your two monitors instead of your mouse! I find it to be a wicked program that I just had to mention. ;)

Update: I forgot to mention yesterday (as I’m typing it’s the 29th) that I nearly got bald and (even more) nuts by not being able to find the “x-devel-” package for SuSe, being that we need libx.h to make switchscreen work. Just fire up YaST and search for xorg-x11-devel, and there you go!