Firefox 3 and Java

One of the things that has been annoying me for ages is getting Firefox and Java working together. For some bizarre reason I never seem to get it working together properly. Till just now. Here’s the easy way of installing Java on your machine, and having it working with Firefox.

Proceed to , and press the Download-button. Download the file named Linux RPM (self-extracting file). Once the file is downloaded, su to root and do a chmod +x on it.

su -
chmod +x jre-6u7-linux-i585.rpm.bin

Then run the binary file:


After agreeing to the license terms, Java should install itself. Now we’ll try to make it work with Firefox. Head to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and remove the symlink named Then proceed to create a new symlink with the same name, only link it to /usr/java/latest/plugin/i386/ns7/

cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
ln -s /usr/java/latest/plugin/i386/ns7/

And that’s that. Restart your Firefox if it’s already up and going, and once it is back up, Java should now be working. :)