Rhythmbox equalizer

Update: For a newer and updated equalizer-plugin, check out the post Rhythmbox Equalizer Revisited. Everything below here is outdated.

For a while I’ve been using audacious to play my music. No particular reason, other than that it has an equalizer. I’ve heard lots of good things about Rhythmbox though, but lacking an equalizer, I never turned to it. But now, thanks to Teemu Kallio from , I at least am going to start using Rhythmbox.

Grab the file from . I used to link to the main site, but it seems that it has been taken down.

So, the installation:

wget http://jorge.fbarr.net/files/rhythmbox-eq.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins/
tar -zxvf rhythmbox-eq.tar.gz -C ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins/

And that’s pretty much it. Fire up Rhythmbox, go to Edit -> Plugins and select Equalizer. Now press the Configure-button to configure it. If you want the Rock-preset that you usually find in audacious and/or xmms, make the equalizer have the same values as in the screenshot below:


A big thanks to Teemu Kallio. :)